To engage caring individuals in our community in being the hands and feet of Jesus to local orphans and foster families.
By planting gospel seeds in their lives through supplying each family with additional support and resources not provided by other foster systems. Knowing we have all been cultivated by the Master Gardener, we desire to plant seeds and trust that they will take ROOT and for God to grow them.
What Drives Us
Our Prayer
We pray that every seed planted would take ROOT and blossom out of the rich soil of the Gospel of Jesus Christ as their secure foundation and only hope. We believe we were all once orphans, adopted into the family of Jesus Christ. We want to share this hope that we have in Jesus our FATHER. As these children grow and may return home, we pray they would still have deep ROOTS in the truth of the Gospel and with their extended foster families that have come around them to support them and help them grow in maturity. Our prayer is that each seed would take ROOT and blossom out of the rich soil watered by the living well growing them into a strong child who knows who they are and whose they are.
Fostering Roots Advocate
A Fostering Roots Advocate has the role of being the lead cheerleader and catalyst of creating a FR CARE SUPPORT TEAM around their foster family. Not everyone is called to foster, but a community can all play a role in caring for orphans by caring for foster families.